NYSE Composite Index

"Final" End of Day Index Report for 7/24/24

Open statistcs in a new window Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
Open 18,518.34 18,406.05 18,026.50 18,026.50
High 18,518.34 18,575.99 18,798.92 18,798.92
Low 18,299.74 18,299.74 17,928.85 17,928.85
Close 18,308.42 18,308.42 18,308.42 18,308.42
Net change since last period end through current day -209.92 -97.63 281.92 281.92
Net change of previous completed period -20.80 -99.87 -57.19 -286.17
Total Volume of Component Issues 6,368,812 12,278,460 96,641,631 0
1 Year Price High 18,798.92 18,798.92 18,798.92 18,798.92  
1 Year Price High Date 7/18/24 7/19/24 7/24/24 7/24/24
1 Year Price Low 14,638.37 14,638.37 14,638.37 14,638.37
1 Year Price Low Date 10/27/23 10/27/23 10/31/23 12/29/23
Carhartt Trend Pivot 18,338.54 18,023.67 16,713.75 16,215.89
Current Trend Down   Up Up Up
      Trend Gain/Loss as of Period End 0.00 209.52 2,219.58 3,124.11
      Trend Life (Periods) 0 3 8 7
      Trend Begin Date 7/24/24 7/5/24 11/30/23 12/30/22
Composite Statistics  
      Component Issues Traded 525 525 525 491
      % Of Component Issues Advancing 18.48% 47.81% 72.57% 72.10%
      Advancing Issues 97 251 381 354
      Declining Issues 427 272 143 136
      Unchanged Issues 1 3 1 1
      % Advancing Volume 32.92% 46.64% 68.99% 0.00%
      Advancing Volume 2,096,350 5,727,158 66,676,551 0
      Declining Volume 4,256,701 6,531,700 29,964,312 0
      Unchanged Volume 0 0 0 0
      New Component 1 Year Highs 33 64 161 154
      New Component 1 Year Lows 10 14 47 44


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